Jumaat, 15 Januari 2010

~mr teddy~

i miss him so much..

mr teddy tgh on d way dr nilai ke jerteh..huhuhu..

senin ni dia dh ke sabah...

arghhh...nape cpt sgt..huhuhu..

Khamis, 14 Januari 2010


pic atas ni pump toes dr Burberry Boutiqes.best woo klu dpt..price USD 450++..x mampu den..huhuhuhuh..

ni plak handbag dr marc jacob..ske sgt design marc jacob n LV..sofitikated la..harga not sure..tp mst mahal la nie..hohohohoh..x mampu..


hooray..nk g shopping..

wah..seronoknya..mcm2 bnda nk beli..

1st skali of course ak akan cr kasut..

heheheh..my peberet..xtau nape..

mmg setiap kali shoping, sure ak akan beli kasut @ape saje spesis yg letak kt kaki..

kdg2 stokin pun ak beli gak..hehehe..

buat mase ni ak ade lbh kurg 22 pasang kasut..

smuanya ak hanya pernah pakai 2 @ 3 kali shj..

even sandal biasa2 pun ak leh beli..huhuhuh..

tp skang ak mula nk saving duit la..klu blh xmo boros..

ak ade planning besor punya..hehehehe..

erm..nk shoping ape lg ek?ingt nk beli handbag..ari 2 ak dh tgk satu handbag..

price dia 'bout rm250++..leh ar...umi dh bg duit..

nnt ak nk g shoping ngan qilah..bff ak dr ak kecik smpi la besor..

cite psl qilah nie..ak mmg ske kwn ngan dia..

cz kami sekepala..prinsip idop pun same..

lgpun fmly b/groung pun same..

sbb 2 klu ak nk kuar mst ak akan bwk dia..cz parent ak caye kt dia...

mcm 2 jgk dia..mst dia akan bwk ak..

erm.skang dia dh keje kt MSU..pen.pendaftar akademik..

alhamdulillah..x lame lg ak plak keje..hohohohoh..

erm..xtau ape lg nk cite..cz ak dh ngantok..nk tdo jap..mr teddy (gelaran baru 4 mr NAz) ak

pun still kt nilai lg..ptg ni br blk..miss him so much..pheww!!!see u soon guys..

p/s:love my fmly n mr teddy..

boys over flower addict..

boys over flower..huhuh..

best giler cite ni kan..

ak mmg addict cite ni dr awal thn lps..

ingt lg time final exam sem 6 ak sggp turun cc semata2 nk tgk cite nie..

ckp ngan housemate konon2 nk study kt cc..

pdhal ak tgk cite nie..giler best la..x rugi tgk cite ni..

lakonan LEe min ho (gu jun pyo), kim bum (yi jeoung), kim joon (won bin) n kim hyun joong (Ji hoo)..layan...

10 Things a Good Boyfriend Won't Ask You to Do

A savvy boyfriend would never ask us to make him a sandwich while he plays armchair quarterback. We've all been in relationships where, at times, we've felt more like a mom or a secretary than a significant other. While we understand that healthy relationships require compromises, we've compiled a list of favors that good boyfriends know better than to consistently request. If you're constantly taking on any of the items on this list (especially with any hint of resentment), it's time to get your guy to lend a hand.

#1. His laundry Pairing your socks isn't exactly our idea of a stay-at-home date, nor does living with you make us a 1950s housewife. A good compromise is for one partner to sort and start the laundry and the other to fold and put it away. Plus, studies show that helping around the house can increase intimacy. So, how 'bout that pile of dishes? If you clean up the sink while we tackle the living room, we'll be more likely to cuddle.

#2. Buy gifts and cards for other people on his behalf We'll help when we're out with you, but no, we won't make a pit stop at Hallmark and Laura Ashley while we're shopping with the girls. Just because we're women doesn't mean we're automatically adept at figuring out your Aunt Martha's dress size.

#3. Plan an entire vacation without his help When we ask you whether you'd rather spend our anniversary in Cabo or Vermont, we want you to express an actual preference, not to say, "Whatever, I'm happy with what makes you happy." The same goes for the hotel, the airline, and the restaurant reservations. Letting us take the reins isn't considerate, it's just lazy and boring. Instead, make sure to divvy up the planning. We pick the location and hotel, you plan the activities.

#4. Make him a sandwich The refrigerator is 10 feet away and your game control has a pause button, so get up, stretch, and slap that ham and lettuce together by yourself. We don't care if you're "in the zone," because apparently, you were out of it long enough to articulate your immediate need for a nibble. Maybe we'll consider it if you agree to break from the game for 20 minutes, put on some coffee, and enjoy your afternoon snack with us.

#5. Change your relationship status on Facebook We believe our life outside of the Internet should speak for itself. On the off-chance that we break up, wouldn't you rather tell your close friends in person, rather than have that ever-present broken heart appear on 500 people's newsfeeds? Well, we would, so don't even ask us to include our relationship status on Facebook in the first place.

#6. Be his wake-up call Really, buy an alarm clock. Remembering a man's nap and wakeup schedule should be an occasional favor, not an everyday obligation.

#7. Hang out with his ex Some women like befriending the ex, and others just want to satisfy their curiosity about her, but don't pressure the ones who would rather keep a distance.

#8. Keep up with his favorite shows How would you like it if we made you religiously watch Desperate Housewives? Instead, let's pick a show we both like and make sure we follow it together.

#9. Lose weight We'll tone up for health purposes and for ourselves, but if you're really concerned about the 5 lbs we gained over the holidays, don't flat-out complain that we're getting flabby. Instead, invite us to go biking with you or to take a yoga class together. Treat exercise as a fun activity we can do together instead of something that we should do just for you.

#10. Keep our hair long Trust us, short hair is cute, fun, and just as feminine as back-length hair. Just look at Halle Berry, Audrey Tautou and Keira Knightley, circa 2005. It's not as if we're going to shave it off or sport one of Rihanna's hairstyles, but even if we did, we hope you'd find us just as attractive..
p/s:pic kt atas 2 bf ak taw..hahahaha..


erm..so far xtau nk wat mende..MR naz dh g meeting kt Nilai..huhuh..so xder sape nk mein ym..slalu temankn dia kt ofis smbil mein ym..hohoho..nk lyn fb??erm..dh xdr ape ak nk explore..lgpun tanaman ak (farmville) bsk br leh harvest...then cafe ak plak, next dishes br leh angkt kol 10 mlm nnt..so ape lg..lyn blog la..hahaha..ni pun br pas edit templete blog ak n MR naz..

ape lah MR naz wat skang ek??since dpt tahu yg dia akan dipostingkan, ak jd cam blur..yelah..jauh..blom tentu lg dlm mase sethn ni dia dpt tranfers blk ke semenanjung..tp yg penting ak peerlu bg semangat kt dia supya dia leh g ane dgn tenang..br dlm malaysia kn..so rilex ar beb!!!

lapo plak dh perot..hohhoho..pdhal lunch td makan bihun goreng..ni gara2 ak n umi mls nk masak...tp mlm ni umi ckp kite msak special ckit..coz p.lang( adik umi no 3) br je smpi dr klate..p.lang mmg stay ngan ak dr ak umo 6 bulan smpi la skang...p.lang keje kt cini n still bujang..dia ibarat pak lawak la dlm fmly..ade jer bnda yg dia akan sakat anak2 buah dia 3 org nie..

amirul pun dh keje..kt tmpt lame dia praktikal dlu..GUMI ASLI ELEKTRIK..ade 2 syif (pg n mlm).,skang ni dia tgh tdo sbb dia br blk dr syif mlm..abah ckp ini hanya sbg latihan shj..cz pas ni after sethn dia kena future study utk amik dip..aied plak skang sibuk preparation utk SPM..semoga dia leh dpt result yg cemerlang same mcm PMR n SMA dlu..yela..PMR dia leh dpt 7A2B n SMa leh dpt jaid jiddan..syukur alhamdulillah..ak tumpang bangga...cz sekurang2nya ak n adik2 blh buktikan pd org len yg kami semua mampu berjaya dgn cemerlang..hope bile masing2 meningkat dewasa xkn ada antara kami yg menyusahkan fmly..itu janji ak..

dh dkt kol 5 dh..erm..nk goreng cekodok la..time sejuk2 ni sedap klu mkn cekodok dgn nescafe tarik..perghh...hingga menjilat ibu jari kaki..hahahaha..k laa..bye..


miss ain..

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

~are u ready 4 praktikum next week~

erm..pejam celik, pejam celik dh masuk pertghn bulan januari..arghhh..ini bermakna next week(i8hb) ak akan mula melangkah ke dunia kerjaya iaitu kaunselor..walaupun kali ini hanya training, tp ia adalah langkah pertama untuk aku mengenal dunia yg baru..mcm2 perasaan ade..nebes+cuak n bla..bla..bla..lbh byk prasaan negatif dr positif..huhuhu..adakah ak sorg jer yg mengalami prasaan 2..mcm mane plak ngan kwn2 ak???huhuhu..
cerita psl kwn2 ak, hampir semua dh mula berhijrah ke kediaman yg baru...what i mean umah sewa masing2 la..ade gak yg duk kuaters..gud luck ar utk korg semua..mcm ak plak, ak lebih selesa tggl dgn family..2 pun disbbkan faktor sekolah yg agak berdekatan dgn umah ak la..maybe masing2 dh sibuk planning ape yg perlu dilakukan utk 14 weeks praktikum n 2 week 4 ROS..erm..klu tanye ak, 4 sure ak x ready mende2 ape pun...kite enjoy..hahahah..
Lagi satu, next week jgk, NAzrie akan posting ke sabah..dia akan incharge PERNAMA outlet kt kem tldm kota kinabalu..huhuhu..maybe x lame dia kt sane..n mudah2an ade rezeki dia di Telekom Malaysia nnt..huhuhu..sedih jgk..sorg kt cini..sorg kt sane..never mind..mcm x biase duk jauh2 kn..huhuhu..br2 ni ak sempat jgk pos kt dia adiah besday..hope dia ske la..even adiah x seberapa..
rindu la time jd student dlu..mst time ni ak g kuliah ngan kwn2..duk kt kolej..huhuhu..bestnya..rindu giler ngan housemate..n diorg smua dh berada kt area praktikum diorg..yana kt banting, are-da kt tapah, zeti n yatie kt ipoh n dekda kt bagan dato'..moga2 korg hepi dgn life baru.
sepanjang cuti semester, byk berita gembira dr rakan2..ade yg menamatkan zaman bujang..menamatkan zaman bercouple(that mean bertunang la), menamatkan hubungan pertunangan (teeeet...huhuhuh) n menamatkan status single available kepada single but not available..hahahah..semoga korg bahagia la ek..ak plak???hhahaha..coming soon..
x sabar rasenya nk start praktikum, pas 2 nk konvo..byk future planning ak dh wat..utk mase dpn ak..yelah..org sng ckp.."ko anak sulung, tp ko sorg jer pmpuan,adik beradik x ramai"..tp diorg bkn ditempat ak..byk lg bnda yg ak perlu buktikan pd org lain yg ak mampu utk lebih berjaya dr "org lain"..tggjwb besar pd keluarga..ak pun tgh confiused..sama ada tggu posting@master..arghh..byk pertimbangan yg perlu ak fikirkan..dr A smpi Z..dr ALif smpi Ya..hhuhuhu..
k la..got 2 go..nk mamam..nnt ak update lg yerk..
P/S:love my family n mr teddy

Ahad, 10 Januari 2010

~hepy besday~

Ya allah..turunkanlah rahmat-Mu kepada insan ini..

berikanlah keberkatan dalam hidupnya ya Rabbi..

redhakanlah setiap langkahnya di dunia-Mu ini..

limpahkanlah rezeki kepadanya..

panjangkanlah usianya supaya dia dpt beribadat kepada Mu ya Allah..

dan dapat berbakti kepada orang tuanya ya Rahman..~


p/s:hepy besday mr teddy..love u so much (jiwang la plak..wakakaka)..

Sabtu, 9 Januari 2010

hepy new year 2010..

hepy new years 2010!!!yeah..yahuu...
dis year i'm going 24..dh tua laaa..
dh masuk thn baru.
.so byk perkara baru n lame yg berada dlm pale otak ak ni yg ak nk cite kt korg smua..hehehe..
erm..dh lame x update blog..
since bln 9 ari 2 lg...huhuhu..
ok..starting from now ak akan rajin2kn diri utk updatekn blog nie..
so smua leh tgk perkmbgn diri ak..
see u the next entry k..
